The Quebec Mining Association adopts the Towards Sustainable Mining Standard
The Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) standard, developed by the Mining Association of Canada, has just been adopted by the Quebec Mining Association. Read more.
A new sustainability hub at McGill?
EEM was hired to facilitate a half-day workshop for the McGill community as they contemplate creating a new sustainability hub. Read the case study.

ISO14001: 2014 FDIS available July 1st
ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems is under review, with the draft version currently forecast to be published in English on July 1st, 2014. This will be the first time organizations will have an opportunity to review the changes and start their transitions. The final revision is expected in September 2015. Read our earlier published summary of anticipated changes.
How do you measure the benefits of a sustainable development approach?
This past spring, EEM hosted a half-day training for the business community as part of Les Grandes Conférences Les Affaires, on a process to measure and report the benefits of adopting a sustainable development approach. Read the case study.