Ross Szwec

Ross joined the firm in 2000 after four years as environmental coordinator for an ISO 14001-registered base metal mining and processing facility in northwestern Quebec. Previously, Ross worked for a large copper smelting facility with responsibilities for effluent control and laboratory analyses.
Since joining EEM, Ross has worked in EHS management in various industrial sectors (mining, marine, printing, manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, metal refining, hydroelectricity, electronics manufacturing and recycling, textile, chemical, pharmaceutical, plastic, pulp and paper, and air navigation services). Having performed over 300 EHS management system and regulatory compliance audits, Ross also offers support for the development of EHS management programs.
In addition, Ross has participated in numerous projects involving First Nations, including environmental site assessments, contaminated site inventories, environmental characterizations, dismantling and rehabilitation projects and preliminary environmental impact studies.
- EHS management system implementation, maintenance, and auditing (ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, MAC TSM, Green Marine, Cyanide code, CORESafety®, etc.).
- EHS compliance auditing.
- Training and workgroup facilitation.
- Regulatory assistance.
- Risk assessments.
- Environmental assessments.
- Development of EHS management programs.
Accreditation and professional development
- Certified Environmental Auditor (CEA®) – Quebec Environmental Auditing Association.
- EP(EMSLA) – Environmental Professional (Environmental Management Systems Lead Auditor) accredited by ECO Canada under CECAB.
- Certified Environmental Site Assessor (CESA®) – Quebec Environmental Auditing
- Qualified as an ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 lead auditor.
- Verification Service Provider (VSP) for the Mining Association of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining initiatives program since 2008.
- Green Marine accredited verifier (Green Marine is an environmental program to assist marine companies in reducing their environmental impacts).
- Qualified Lead and Technical Auditor for mining operations for the International Cyanide Management Code.
- Former ISO 31000 risk manager certified by PECB (voluntary withdrawal of certification in April 2020).
Graduate level diploma in environmental management, University of Sherbrooke
Graduate level certificate in environmental verification, University of Sherbrooke
Environmental Biology Technologist – Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology, North Bay, Ontario
Certificate in occupational health and safety, Université du Québec en Abitibi Témiscamingue (underway)
English and French