Indigenous peoples, Canada Assistance of a First Nation in a Year-Long Public Hearing Process
EEM supported the participation of nine First Nations communities in a province-wide public hearings process.
Approach and Solution
EEM worked with the Tribal Council in order to prepare its communities to effectively participate in a public hearings process concerning the future of the uranium industry in Quebec. EEM led consultations in two of the communities hosting hearings to better understand the perspective of youth, elders, women and land-users in regards to the exploration and extraction of uranium. The mandate also involved the development and moderation of an online discussion platform and the creation of a social media strategy that would accompany these hearings and increase public participation.
The attendance rate of the public hearings in both communities was extremely high. A diversity of First Nations members (youth, elders, hunters, women, etc.) was able to express their unique perspectives on the development of the uranium industry on their native lands. These community members were also very engaged on the online discussion platform and social media outlets, which was crucial for them to express their concerns and share their experience related to uranium exploitation.